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Frage zu IUI

Dear Dr ,
Its not neccessarily easier for me to communicate in English as I only live here for the past 2 yeears, but it is easier for me to read out my results in English to you,for better understanding.
In earlier message you mentioned IUI because of possible blockage in my fallopin tubes. I had a hysterosalpingogram done in Nov 2006. The results were as follows:
The Uterine contour is normal.Both fallopian tubes are normal in appearance and bilateral free peritoneal spill is demonstrated. She has patent tubes.
I also recently had my Hormone Profile checked on day seven after ovulation showed FSH 2.5,and LH 2.5.
and on d3C showed FSH 6.2,LH 8.9 Oestradiol123. both before i started on clomid. Are these figures normal?
Would IUI still be an option if the fallopian tubes are patent?? As I am 22 I am not entitled to NHS-Fundings yet (age range 26-39). A clomid cycle costs me abt £ 300. A IUI Cycle will be round abt £500.
I'd be willing to pay but is there a bigger chance that I may concieve?
Many Thanks.
I really appreciate your help.
Bisherige Antworten

Frage zu IUI

Good morning
IUI is only in option in those cases where patent fallopian tubes have been demonstrated. The results you mention from the hysterosalpingogram indicate that this is the case. Your hormone profile on day 3 shows an elevated LH: FSH ratio this could indicate the so called PCOS. Ask your doctor about this. In your age clomid cycles are supposed to be successful in approx. 10% whereas IUI cycles would give you approx. 15% pregnancy rates - provided semen quality of your partner is normal.
All the best and good luck
Prof. Dr. C. Keck
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