In letzter Zeit denke ich wieder EINDEUTIG zu viel nach.
Letztens über die beiden Hormone, die ja allgemein als Jugendlichkeitshormone gelten, will heißen: je höher desto besser (zu hoch bei DHEA-S bedeutet Androgenisierung) oder zumindest grenzwertig hoch.
DHEA wird ja in den USA quasi in jedem Supermarkt als Jungmacher angepriesen.
Hier bei Quali steht, dass 90% in den Nebennieren (oder der Nebennierenrinde???) produziert wird, 10% im Eierstock. Nun dachte ich OK, wenn die 10% eben schon altersbedingt zu niedrig sind, kann man das supplementieren?
Und was geschieht, wenn ja, gibt es mehr Eizellen bzw. ist der Verfall nicht so rasant. Sind die Eizellen gar besser?
Also googeln - vorzugsweise Englisch mit den keywords "DHEA + Ovary" (Eierstock).
Ich finde folgendes:
In December 2008 there was a compilation of studies released that show that DHEA can improve fertility in women with high FSH.
DHEA is a mildly androgenic precursor hormone for both testosterone and estrogen. The fertility world is starting to think that maybe part of the nonresponsiveness of the ovaries to medications isn't because the ovaries are running out of eggs, but rather because of the ovaries' inability to make steroid hormones in order to promote egg maturity within it's follicles.
Several studies have been done with women who have decreased ovarian reserve. The studies followed their IVF attempts both before and after treatment with DHEA and compared their results to those of a control group that did not take DHEA. The studies showed that treatment with DHEA (in women with dimished ovarian reserve) significantly:
-improves the woman's response to medication (more eggs are developed)
-increases the number of eggs that successfully fertilize
-increases the number of normal Day 3 embryos
-increases the number of embryo transfers
-increases the overall cumulative pregnancy rate
Just one example: in 2005 there was a 42 year old woman with decreased ovarian reserve undergoing IVF. She was on the maximum doses of fertility drugs, but she only produced one egg. She went on DHEA for 9 months, then repeated the exact same drug protocol that she used for her first IVF. This time she developed 17 eggs.
There is also evidence of a decreased miscarriage rate, which may be due to a decreased abnormal chromosome number. DHEA improves the maturation process of the egg, resulting in a better quality egg.
Teil 2 folgt