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Nach langem Warten - Emily Marie ist da!

Guten Morgen!

Unsere kleine wurde am 30.9, nach 35 in Wehen ohne Schmerzmittel geboren. Sie wiegt 3620gramm und hat einen Kopfumfang von 35.2cm

Wer mag, kann sich gerne meinen englischen Geburtsbericht durchlesen  


My 35 hour labour (long labour, long post)

Right, I guess here is my birth story for our lovely daughter Emily Marie
First of all, sorry, if my English doesn't always make sense, it's not my first language :)
It all started on early Monday, Sept. 29th at what the NHS put as 40+12 ( I calculated it to be more like 40+6)
I was supposed to come into the hospital for some monitoring as I have declined two sweeps and induction for being 'late'. 
Well, at around  5am that morning I had my bloody show and not 10mins later I started to have regular contractions (every 3 1/2mins, lasting about 44seconds) we called the hospital a few hours later to let them know about my appointment and they decided to see how we get on, as they could always do the monitoring later. 
Fast forward to  9pm, having had contractions regularly all day and getting more stronger ones we decided to ask the hospital what they want us to do. They gave us the usual speech of taking two paracetamols and a bath ( I already had a bath earlier that day and already knew that it wouldn't help with the pain I was in)
We followed their advice and called them back about an hour later to let them know that it didn't work. They asked us to come in for an assessment and et voilà - 4cm, at that point, little naive me thought I couldn't be toooo far off from delivering as the pain was pretty unbearable (my hypnobirthing breathing techniques went right out of the window) , but little did I know..
It must have been around  11pm when we were brought to the delivery suite. 
A lovely room, btw, featuring a huge birthing pool, birthing stool, gym balls , bean bags and other nice things. 
The journey continued, regular contractions, getting in and out of the birthing pool ( which I hated, btw), thanks to the midwife, who told me, it could feel bad an hour ago and nice now...uh, yeah, it didn't. 
Mind you, the only position I thought to help me was standing and I've done that since  5am that morning (imagine my elephant legs and feet for good measure)
So, let's do another fast forward through the night to around  11am the next day (Tuesday) 
I got examined and I was a good 8cm. Impatient as I am, I ask the ever so stupid question: "Soooo, how much longer you reckon until she's here?"
And then the ,rather disappointing, reply I get: "Usually 1cm per hour, so probably in 2-3 hours"
Another fast foward to about approx. 1-2 hours before the birth..
I'm still standing, no sleep since forever, hanging half over a bed like Salvador Dalis 'Melting clock', no painkillers at I'm starting to say "I can't do it anymore, I have no energy left"
The new midwife, who swapped places with the old mw, suggested feeling around downstairs to see, if she can feel something and then accidentally plopped what she thought was my waters: "Oooh, yes, your waters have gone and it's clear and beautiful"she said...An hour later or so we'd find out that it was just a huge amount of pee :haha:
Another hour or so passed and she introduced me to, the now glorious "Holy grail of all birthing aids - The beauty that's a birthing stool"
My fiancé, who btw was the most awesome birthing partner I could've asked for, sat behind me, my legs finally got a bit of a rest from all the standing and the mw finally introduced me to the finish line - the pushing stage.. oh yeah!
This last hour or so felt like it went on forever. I pushed as hard as I could, but our LO decided to stay happily inside of me. After telling, Uh, I mean.. screaming at the midwife a million times to help me get her out, she had another feel to see how close I am and then out of nowhere..
A familiar sound..PLOPPPP!!!!
Ladies, you read it and are just as excited as I's finally THE HOLY WATER!!!! 
Fast foward through the longest minutes and longest angry screams into my partners ears, she's starting to reveal her hairy head (yeah, that's my child right there!)
But it would be too easy, if she just came with another 1 or 2 pushes. Instead she decided that she's still
too comfortable, so down goes the mw to give me a lovely cuuuuut.  WHAAAAT?!?!? Yeah, no time to talk about this or numbing the area. But Hey yoo, that's labour, eh?! 
Who cares about long labour, pain and cuts to the lady regions, when at the end you're finally getting to see your child? I couldn't be happier to finally be a mum. Emily Marie was born  at 3:46pm, weighing 7lbs 15oz and is the best thing ever :)
- The bad postpartum happenings -
I lost about 1.2litres blood, apparently I looked so bad that my fiancé thought he'd lose me. I got two fluid infusions and an iron drip. I still feel very lightheaded and can't do a whole lot. Also my jaw is hurting and breastfeeding isn't my speciality yet, but I'm sure that will come with time. 
Thanks for reading
Bisherige Antworten

Re: Nach langem Warten - Emily Marie ist da!

:GIRL 200:

Emily Marie sieht wunderschön aus!!!!!

Gott sei Dank, geht es euch beiden gut!

Alles Liebe, eine sehr ergreifende Geburtsgeschichte:,(:-)

Re: Nach langem Warten - Emily Marie ist da!

:GIRL 200:noch einmal von mir.

Die Kleine ist ja soooo süß!

Den Geburtsbericht habe ich gelesen, und im großen und ganzen wohl auch richtig verstanden.

Das war wohl ein langer anstrengender Weg zu einem zuckersüßen niedlichen kleinen Mädchen.

Ich freue mich für Euch!!!

Liebe Grüße

Re: Nach langem Warten - Emily Marie ist da!

:GIRL 200: und eine schöne Kennlernzeit wünsch ich euch.

Re: Nach langem Warten - Emily Marie ist da!

:GIRL 200: ein ganz süße kleine Maus. Viel Spaß beim Kuscheln wünsch ich dir, und das du bald wieder ganz auf den Beinen bist.


LG Kathrin

*einschleich* - Herzlichen Glückwunsch

Ich gratuliere dir. Das hast du toll gemacht und ja alles braucht seine Zeit. Auch das Stillen wird sich bei dir einspielen.
Die Maus ist zucker süß.
Ich wünsche euch alles Gute.

Re: Nach langem Warten - Emily Marie ist da!

Dann ist sie also doch noch rausgekommen!:-)

Sie hat Euch ja bis zum Schluss einer Geduldsprobe unterzogen!

ich freue mich, dass Du es jetzt endlich geschafft hast!

:GIRL 200: Und eine schöne Zeit zu dritt wüsche ich Euch!



Meine 3. heisst auch Emily Marie geb. 2012 :-) -- LG

Re: Nach langem Warten - Emily Marie ist da!

Ein super süßes Baby! Hätte Dich ja nicht so lang warten lassen müssen.... naja, die Damen eben ;-)

hast Du super gemacht, die Geburt!

liebe Grüsse


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