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Sonna fa bitch

An Italian went to Malta
?One day ima gonna Malta to bigga hotel.Ina morging I go down to eat
breakfeast.I tella waitress I wanna two pissis toast.She brings me only
one piss.I tella her,I wanna two piss.She say go to the toilet.I say you
no understand,I wanna two piss onna my plate. She say you better no piss
onna plate,you sonna fa bitch.I don?t even know the lady and she call me
sonna fa bitch.
Later I go to eat in the bigga restaurant.The waitress brings me a spoon
and knife but no fock.I tella her I wanna fock.She tell me everyone
wanna fock.I tell her you no understand.I wanna fock on the table.She
say you better no fock on the table,you sonna fa bitch.
So I go back to my room inna hotel and there is no shits onna my
bed.Call the manager and tella him I wanna shit.He tell me to go to the
toilet.I say you no understand.I wanna shit on my bed. He say you better
not shit onna bed,you sonna fa bitch.
I go to the checkout and the man at the desk say :
Peace on you.I say piss on you too,you sonna fa bitch,I gonna back to
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*****lol**** LG Moni

:huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuund!!! :-))

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