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Mrs. Frog???

What's about the niveauvolle Unterhaltung? Are you in the stress, alone with your kids, Supermom?
I will be here again very soon... And ansonsten drink I gerade Wein with Katja on the phone, oder so...
Runaway Nicole
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Re: Mrs. Frog???

how wein? and we? we will also wine drinken!!
i thought also that froggy wanted to be niwovoll enterntained.
but now it is too late for me, old urmely is going to sleep
happy phoneing :-)

Re: Mrs. Frog???

Yes Wine, because Katja is very gefrustet....
Good night you and gute sleeping Ruhe!
LG Nicole

Re: Mrs. Frog???

Give me please some minutes. I must have something to eat because I stand short befor dieing (???). Yes.
All the rest than later, well?
Thanks for crying after me.
LG Kerstin
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