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@Pappnose and lazy Singlemum

I am ready for today and I was a great mum at morning :-).
Now we are waiting auf uncle Lars who wants to lade us in of an ice.
You stand me?
Bisherige Antworten

Re: @Pappnose and lazy Singlemum

Oh hello Supermom!
I am noch nicht ready for today. And I im really very very waiting for my feier evening and week end.
I always stand you!
Have a nice ice and see you later, alligator!

Re: @Pappnose and lazy Singlemum

Yes. You are a good old girl :-).
So I must räum of. It looks very terrible in this house.
I nutz the time bevor my brother is belling.
LG Kerstin

Re: @Pappnose and lazy Singlemum

Can you please turn mal quickly at the clock? I want to go NOW in my feier evening...

Re: @Pappnose and lazy Singlemum

*lol* your english ist very well ;)))
so in etwa have i unterstand you *grins* viel spaß!
lg silke

you know waht

it;s terrible to read this disaster...aehm I mean your english writing ;)
the funny thing is, a lot people talk like this
have a great evening and enjoy you're weekend

Re: you know waht

die Hoelle...

Re: you know waht

und das ist noch smart umschrieben *grusel*

Re: @Pappnose and lazy Singlemum

That`s great:-))) But I`m not the Pappnose and not the lazy Singlemum;-) And now???;-)
Regards the one and only Bjarki:-)

Re: @Pappnose and lazy Singlemum

but you are a (lazy?) singlemum *duckandrun*
me go in the bed now, sleepy sleepy :-)
sincerely yours
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