EBC Antwort zu Produktionsbedingungen, 1. Teil
ich habe auf Tinis gestrigen Beitrag hin doch einmal eine email an EBC in Hawaii geschickt und heute Morgen schon eine Antwort gehabt:
Dear Madeleine,
Thank you for your interest in The ERGO Baby Carrier. I understand and
share your concerns about the working conditions in China. Although I have never been there to see for myself, I have personally met the factory owner with whom I work closely and have talked at length about his factory conditions, the workers he employs and his over all philosophies. He was born and raised in Hong Kong, speaks good English, has a family of two kids and is very family oriented. His factory is small compared to many others in the area, employing only 100 stitchers all of whom are over 18 years of age, (which is now strictly required and enforced by the Chinese law) most of them coming from the North of China where unemployment is high. A majority of his workers are highly educated but cannot find employment in their field and are grateful for the job they are offered. I came in contact with this factory through an acquaintance of mine here on Maui, Hawaii who has gone to China for 20 years to have his wind surf sales produced. He travels to China frequently, knows the factory owner well and assures me that the working conditions in this factory are high. Also the quality of workmanship is very impressive. I feel very luck to have been introduced to this factory! Because they are small, they have been able
Re: EBC Antwort zu Produktionsbedingungen, 2. Teil
We have a Regional Distributor in Germany, who has put out her own money to have the fabric tested with Germany's most recognized testing company, ECO Umweltinstitut, for unsafe ingredients such as as formaldehyd, pesticides, acids and many other things. The carrier came out of the testing with very positive scores. Also in the Oct. 2003 issue of Eltern, an article on babywearing included The ERGO and gave it nothing but positive scores.
Best wishes to you and your family,
Karin Frost
So, beste Grüße auch von uns
Madeleine mit Ben (gerade beim Papa, der die Einfahrt kehrt, im EBC)
Re: EBC Antwort zu Produktionsbedingungen, 2. Teil
Danke fuer deine Muehe!!
Da kann ich ihn ja weiter beruhigt nutzen! :0)
Liebe Gruesse,
Madeleine, Du bist super! + Lovis 60 Min. EBC!!
Re: EBC Antwort zu Produktionsbedingungen, 2. Teil
ich kann mich Tini nur anschließen! Nun benutze ich unseren EBC wieder ohne Sorgen um die Produktionsbedingungen.
LG Katja
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