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Haaaaallooooo!!! Leider doch ein Hoax!

Oder besser, Gott sei Dank.
Am 3. Juni ist laut Amnesty nicht die Exekution, sondern die nächste Anhörung:
Hier der Originaltext aus der Amnesty Seite:
Regarding the misleading emails circulated on internet in relation to the ratification of Amina Lawal execution, Amnesty International informs that this organisation is not the source of the information provided in those messages.
Moreover, Amnesty International points out that the mentioned information is not correct.
In relation to Amina Lawal case, Amnesty International confirms once more that the new date set by the Sharia Court of Appeal of Katsina State for the hearing against her sentence is 3 June 2003.
Amnesty International campaign Amnistía por Nigeria for the end of death penalty and other cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment in that country is still going on.
lg Pingu, die den Fall auch schon seit langem verfolgt.
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